Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems


Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems


Write a 4-page essay in APA format.

Using scholarly material, explain how Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems mitigate risk and assist in organizational decision making.  In addition, explain why mitigating risk and making better decisions are essential to operational efficiency.

The paper must following the formatting guidelines in The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2010), (6th ed., 7th printing), and contain a title page, five scholarly references, three to five pages of content, and a reference page. In addition, the paper will be submitted through the SafeAssign originality-checking tool.  More APA assistance can be found at the Purdue University Online Writing Lab.

Answer preview

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems can be simply defined as designed systems that provide seamless integration of processes across functional areas to improve workflow, standardize business practices and provide access to up to data. Implementation of EPR systems is capital intensive thus failure can be very costly for an enterprise (Röthlin, 2010). The main reason why ERP systems are implemented in an enterprise is to integrate internal and external information that enhances flow of communication, improves decision making and focuses on business processes and functions. ERP systems includes project management , change management and information technology management thus warranting customized approach in managing risk throughout implementation and operations.

Word count: 1218