Entrance Paper: Social Responsibility of Businesses


Entrance Paper: Social Responsibility of Businesses


An Entrance Paper is a 2 page, 500 words typed paper (DO NOT EXCEED) that reflects on the reading for the class. Think of the paper as an Executive Summary of the reading. This paper is to be submitted via Blackboard by the beginning of the class and may form the basis for the class discussion. The grade will depend on evidence of having read and reflected upon the assignment material. From time to time the students may be asked to reflect on current events or to find current examples of the materials covered in the text.

Answer Preview 

Fundamentally, the stakeholder is to be in all the arms of the government so he decides whom to tax, for what purpose, and by how much they are to be taxed. On political principle grounds, the stakeholders should elect the corporate executive and when he imposes tax and spends proceeds for societal purposes he becomes a civil servant through the executive remains an employee of the firm, but if they have to be civil servants, they have to be nominated through a political process. On grounds of consequences, the facet of social accountability is brought about when it is used when justifying wage restrains by unions. The officials of the unions are requested to lower the interests of the members to more general purposes thus making it easier to catch the attention of desirable employees and maybe reduce losses from sabotage and the wage bill or other long-lasting effects. In conclusion, the business has one major social responsibility, using its resources and engaging in activities, which are designed to maximize its profits long-term.

Word Count: 500