Entrepreneurship (What Is It and How Is It Affected By Religion and Moral Value)


Entrepreneurship (What Is It and How Is It Affected By Religion and Moral Value)


Examine the depiction of the entrepreneur and enterprise in world literature.  Discuss the narrative, morals, and meanings in the book and connect them to the course material as much as you wish and can. Freewriting style.


Assigned book: Between the Assassinations, by Aravind Adiga (Picador, India, 2008)  – it is critical you use this reference as a CENTRAL component.

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Commercial enterprises has existed since time immemorial. The existing descriptions and evidence suggest that commercial enterprises is neither an idea from the western part of the world, nor is it an entirely new idea (Kuran, 2010). Adiga (2008) tells of entrepreneurship in ancient India, as the author narrates stories of factory workers, social stratification based on economic might, and shop operators and merchants in India.  In their narrative discussion on the manner in which enterprises were invested, Landes, Mokyr, and Baumol (2010) narrate that the first entrepreneurs emerged in Mesopotamia.  There, in the Near East, trading merchants exchanged commodities before there was currency. The trading merchants in Mesopotamia operated between households, temples, and the state (Hedberg, 2011). For the most part, the legal, institutional, and moral foundations of these commercial enterprises were outside of biblical teachings as they came to be known later, and indeed apply today (Zahra and Wright, 2015). The fact that entrepreneurship was a result of creativity and industry on the part of entrepreneurs is evident in Landes, Mokyr, and Baumol (2010) work, where we see that the trading merchants and their families amassed wealth in the form of profits.

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