Environmental Changes and Disasters are Leading Causes of Migration


Environmental Changes and Disasters are Leading Causes of Migration


1. Read source below Gemenne (2012)
2. Write 300 words summary of the article
3. Use multiple paragraphs
4. Make sure to cite the Gemenne (2012) throughout the text
5. Write Harvard reference for Gemenne (2012)
6. Include 2 other secondary sources that are applicable, and include in Harvard reference

Answer preview

There exist historical shreds of evidence of migrations that have primarily been caused by environmental changes and disaster. As much as environmental factors influenced the migrations considerably, socio-economic factors played a role as well (Black et al., 2011). Most notable cases of migration include the 1755earthquake that induced mass movement of people from Lisbon, Portugal and Dust Bowl migration that was triggered by drought in the US. More recently disasters related to climate change have caused havoc and subsequent migrations in various parts of the world (Gemenne, 2012).

Word count: 379