Epidemiology of Ebola


Epidemiology of Ebola


Write a topic analysis on epidemiology of Ebola

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It is also believed that the fruit bats that belong to the Pteropodidae family are all part of the natural Ebola virus hosts. The Ebola is normally introduced into the human population via a very close contact with the blood, organs and other bodily fluids that are open from the infected animals such as chimpanzees, fruit bats and monkeys. Ebola usually spreads via human-human transmission as a result of direct contacts (more so through broken or even the muscle membranes) with the blood, organs, secretions plus all the other body fluids of the infected persons and also with the surfaces plus materials which have been contaminated with the said fluids. There have also been a very good number of healthcare workers who have been infected frequently while treating their patients with EVD. This has also taken place through very close contact with the patients when infection control precautions are not practiced at a stricter capacity. The burial ceremonies that involve any form of direct contact of the deceased can also create a possibility of transmission of ebola as well. People do remain infectious so long as their blood does contain this virus henceforth. It is challenge to contain this disease as a result of this feature because there are so many people who are afraid of the fact that they could end up touching a deceased or any person who is infected and hence getting infected on their side as well.

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