EQ Test Scores


EQ Test Scores


Discuss your answers to these questions:

  • What were your second EQ test scores?
  • How do your first and second test results compare?
  • What area/s did you improve and why do you think this area/s improved
  • Has it become easier for you to practice your EQ?
  • Describe any feedback (positive or negative) you’ve received since working on your EQ

Answer preview

In the first EQ test, I realized that I scored a below average because I had not familiarized well with my emotions. In this case, I had not learned how to enhance my self-awareness and empathy, which is essential in the development of Emotional Intelligence.  My abilities to minimize the negative emotions were still low when I was taking the test and played a big role in affecting my judgment. I have done a lot of practice in the self-awareness part of the EQ development and I have learned how to minimize my negative emotions by changing my ways of thinking about certain things before involving my feelings.

Word count: 420