Eric Thomas’ You Owe You


Eric Thomas’ You Owe You


  1. Watch the ET video at the link below:
  2. Discuss – Your initial impact (how did you feel) after watching the ET video i.e., were you shocked? Were you inspired or needed a nap? Were you convicted to get off your butt and do something different, and if so, what action/s will you take?
  3. Two take-aways from the ET video i.e.  What two things did you learn or realize about yourself?

Answer preview

When I first saw this video, I was so inspired because the speaker made me feel so comfortable and I would feel like I should get off my seat and start working hard. I felt like I have been sitting on my ambitions for so long. I believe in working so hard to achieve and when I see such videos, they always inspire me so much to the extent that I feel I should get off my seat and start working so hard. I believe that this is one of the best inspirational movies around the world and for me it has a very big impact from the onset.

Word count: 646