Essay: Statistical Analysis(Beverly Hill)

Essay: Statistical Analysis(Beverly Hill)


Using the data you’ve collected, discuss your reaction to the information you collected by
addressing the following essay prompts in no less than 300 words each. Essays with fewer than
300 words will receive zero points.

  • Discuss one Census fact about Beverly Hills that surprises you when thinking about a city
    with such a reputation for wealth. What is surprising about the data, and why do you think
    your perceptions regarding this point were different prior to finding this information?
  • Identify three ways in which your hometown differs significantly from the American average.
  • Given that we often take our hometowns as typical of American life, how might the
    peculiarities or distinctive features of your hometown lead you to have a misperception
    about American society as a whole?
  • Given the peculiarities of your hometown, what part of American life might you understand
    better than people from other settings?

Answer Preview 

Even though Southfield City is found in U.S, the census finding reveals that it is strikingly different from the American average in several ways. For instance, it can be seen from the statistics that the total average of the American population is 298, 757, 310 people while Southfield city average is only 71,895 people.

WordCount: 300