Essay: The rise of Social Media and Smart Devices

Essay: The rise of Social Media and Smart Devices


The paper is meant to be on “The rise of Social Media and Smart Devices”

wherein the paper the following points should be discussed ” Interpersonal communication” and ” Business communication to customers”
the title of the paper needs to be “The rise of Social Media and Smart Devices”
and in that paper ” Interpersonal communication” and ” Business communication to customers” need to be discussed.
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The social media phenomenon surfaced in the past decade, and its manifestation has become a central factor of social change in the modern world (Kumar, 2013). Initial social media channels that created the platform for the development and expansion of other mediums include YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter; all started in the year 2005 (George, 2014). According to Pew Research Center, the number of American adults using social media had grown from 7% in 2005 to 65% by 2015 (Perrin, 2015).
Word Count: 1200