Essay Writing Guidelines

Essay writing guidelines for every student – Comprehensive and detailed tips…

The majority of the students consider the task of writing an essay a dreadful nightmare.

However, as long as you are a student, you can scarce avoid writing an essay throughout your course.

This is because it is through writing an essay that you as a student can secure a college scholarship.

Additionally, the essay writing techniques of a student are used as a guideline in making the decision whether or not to offer admission to the applicant.

Generally speaking, essay writing tends to be hectic and overwhelming for students.

It is for this reason that these essay writing guidelines have been put together to help you ace your essay writing skills.

Through these detailed guidelines, you will be in a position to confidently navigate through essay writing.

Armed with the below tips, you will be able to successfully draft and write a great essay irrespective of its purpose.

Seven essay writing guidelines

Sit back and relax as we share top guidelines. Practice them and see the difference.

Topic Selection

The topic chosen for an essay is the most important part of writing an essay.

In some cases, you can get popular topics from your teachers.

In other cases, you are required to go search for a topic on which you shall write an essay.

However, it is important to note that whether or not a paper topic is given, students must study and understand the content of the topic before writing.

When a teacher gives a topic, the student has the responsibility to establish the format through which the topic shall be expounded.

In some cases, the student may decide to do an analysis of the topic or he/she may be required to do an overview of the topic.

Consequently, this proves that the provision of a topic by a teacher does not elevate any burden of topic focus from the student.

However, in cases where no topic is given, the focus on the topic becomes more demanding for the student.

Nonetheless, it is important to point out that the search for a topic is a perfect opportunity for you as a student.

This is because the opportunity is perfect because you can choose what interests them the most.

While doing so, it is important to first define the purpose of the essay this so because some essays are informative in nature while others are meant to be persuasive.

One major essay writing guideline never to forget is that when choosing a topic pick one that intrigues you.

And well, this can only be done after evaluating all the options available.

Choosing something that triggers your passion will enhance your writing since you will enjoy the process.

Preparation of an outline

It is necessary to check out essay writing guidelines on the web for ideas.

Additionally, it is important to organize thoughts so as to come up with a successful essay.

Proper organization starts off when you create a rough draft. In the rough draft, you will write all the ideas you have regarding the topic.

Furthermore, the rough draft will contain all the gathered information on the very topic.

It is through the draft that you will be able to link and connect all the ideas.

During the process of linking and connecting ideas, you will come up with a structured outline.

In addition, the structure will tend to serve as the foundation for the paper.

The main question students have when searching for essay writing guidelines is how to connect the noted down ideas.

A simple formula can help guide you on the same:

  • Take a piece of paper
  • Write the topic chosen in the middle of the paper
  • Draw 3-5 lines that branch off the topic and jot main ideas at the end of each line
  • From these main ideas, draw more lines to include more thoughts present on the ideas

After the idea has been written it will be an easy task to structure the essay outline.

Additionally, one can use Examples of Essays from Google to get a clearer idea.

Writing the thesis statement

Once you have selected a topic and sorted out the ideas into relevant categories, then the next step involves the creation of a thesis statement.

A thesis statement is a ground on which the paper of founded and is very important because it gives purpose and direction to the entire essay.

Additionally, it also specifies to the readers about the essay points.

A thesis statement is likely to have 2 parts, with the topic being stated in the first one and the point of the essay in the second part.

For instance, if writing about Donald Trump and his impact upon the U.S. as President, the most appropriate thesis statement will be:

“Future of U.S. impacted by Donald Trump with his term as President.”

A thesis statement should be placed in the last sentence of the introductory paragraph.

Writing the body of the essay

The essay body describes, explains, or argues the topic.

Each main idea mentioned in the outline is likely to become separated within a distinct segment within the essay body.

Furthermore, the same basic structure will be present in each body paragraph.

Start an introductory sentence with one main idea. Consequently, write in sentence format for each supporting idea.

However, leave blank 3-4 lines in-between every point, so that detailed examples can be given later to back up the position.

Such spaces are to be filled up with relative information to help link together smaller ideas.

Essay format samples can help show you how to write an essay body correctly.

Writing an introduction

After developing a thesis statement and overall body of the essay, the next step is to write an introduction.

An introduction should be good enough to draw the reader’s attention and should start with an attention grabber.

In addition, you can search for samples of Essay writing guidelines to get some ideas of how to write compelling essays.

Dialogue, shocking information, quote, store, or even a simple summary related to the topic can be used.

Irrespective of the angle selected, ensure that it is related to the thesis statement

Writing a Conclusion

A conclusion brings the topic to an end. Additionally, it sums up the overall ideas of the writer.

Furthermore, a good conclusion provides the final perspective on the topic.

Well, the conclusion should have 3-5 strong sentences and should entail a review of the main points.

Finally, the conclusion offers reinforcement to the thesis statement.

Finishing Touches

Completion of the conclusion does not mean that the essay is also complete. More needs to be done.

You should pay more attention to all minute details to ensure considering the essay as finished work.

Check the order of the paragraphs. The strongest points should be in the first and the last paragraphs.

The rest of the points should be placed in the middle portion of the body. Additionally, the paragraph order should be organized in a sensible manner.

If a process is being described in the essay, like how to bake a tasty chocolate cake, then paragraphs are to fall in the correct order, so as to be better understood by the readers.

Furthermore and if applicable, the instructions for the essay are to be thoroughly reviewed.

Most scholarship forms and teachers tend to follow various types of formats.

Hence, it will be necessary to double-check instructions as this will help the essay to be in the correct format.

Finally, check and review what is written and proofread the paper several times to identify mistakes and to find out if it makes proper sense.

Additionally, sentence flow needs to be smooth – include phrases to connect ideas or thoughts.

Furthermore, it is necessary to go through the essay checking for spelling and grammar mistakes.

Following the above procedure can help you to come up with a well-written and grammatically correct essay that will be appreciated by everyone.


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