Ethical and Legal Issues


Ethical and Legal Issues


In 200 words, write a post on Ethical and Legal Issues.

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Going through the two articles, I chose to explore the journal ‘Ethical issues: Responsibilities and dilemmas’, by Feeney and Freeman (2016). On this article, I found out that the difference between ethical responsibility and ethical dilemma has been troubling many professionals for long period. The two phrases are of great importance in understanding the ethics of practicing any professionalism, particularly when human subjects are involved in conducting research such as clinical trials for new medicines or treatment procedures. According to Feeney and Freeman, ethical responsibilities involve the properly defined mandates on conduct principles, such as NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct, meant for describing how professionals should act, what they have to do, and what they should not do. Conversely, ethical dilemma involves a situation involving two possible resolutions, where both can be justified through moral terms. Ethical dilemma requires an individual to choose one of the two possible actions, whereby each of them possesses both benefits and some costs.

Word count: 348