Ethical and Professional HRM


Ethical and Professional HRM


Find a current example (that is, within the last 12 months) of a situation in which it seems that the interests
of senior management/owners are clearly in conflict with the interests of some or all of their employees.
(NB. Choose an example described in the media/public domain. The attached “Trump-like” employer concedes HR operation not “Rolls-Royce” is excluded from your choices. You must append at least one key news article in English providing an independent description of the situation.)

Imagine you are an HRM professional in this situation. What are three options available to you to address the conflict? Which option would you choose and why? Defend your choice in relation to what constitutes ethical and professional behaviour.

Answer preview

Managers in contemporary businesses are expected to act ethically and professionally because this represents the right thing to do, or as a good way of influencing the bottom lines. However, trying the act ethically and doing what is right for business may result in a conflict of interest between the employer and employees, making it a dilemma to treat everyone equitably and fair. This paper presents a recent scenario of employees and employee conflict of interests, and the best alternative in relation to HRM ethical and professional behaviour. While it is important to pursue business, it is important to behave balance the interests given that managers should execute their responsibility towards the interest of employees, customers, shareholder and partners.

Word count: 4289