Ethical and Social Issues


Ethical and Social Issues


Write in a Question-Answer format

Question 1)

The lesson for this unit describes some characteristics of an entrepreneur. In your opinion, which characteristic is most important? Explain. Minimum 200 words.

Question 2)

Discuss social class in America.  First, discuss the distribution of wealth in the United States.  Second, discuss the struggles of the middle-class in America.  Give at least two reasons why the middle-class continues to struggle in America.  Third, discuss poverty in the United States.  Who are the poor and what are their characteristics?  Lastly, do you believe social mobility is a reality?  What can be done to lessen the negative effects of inequality on people’s lives? Minimum 200 words.

Question 3)

Think of a recent event in the news where an ethical issue or social responsibility was highlighted. Describe the event, and share your thoughts on how it was handled by the individual or business. Minimum 200 words.

Question 4)

Please address two or more of the following discussion questions.

  1. One area in which criminal law has been used as a form of social control is that of sexual acts and sexuality. Do you believe that strip clubs should be illegal? Do you believe prostitution should be illegal? Are there exceptions?
  2. Do you believe that viewing pornography increases sexual victimization?  Should the United States make pornography illegal?  Why or why not?
  3. Do believe same-sex marriage should be illegal? Why or why not?
  4. Do you believe condoms should be distributed in high schools to reduce teen pregnancy? What type of sex education programming do you think would be effective in reducing the high rate of teenage pregnancy? Where do you stand on this issue?  Try to find research that covers this subject.

Minimum 200 words.

Answer Preview

Question 1)

The lesson for this unit describes some characteristics of an entrepreneur. In your opinion, which characteristic is most important? Explain. Minimum 200 words.

I consider perseverance, which correlates with risk tolerance, as one of the most important characteristics of an entrepreneur. Almost in every context, businesses start with no actual customer available. An entrepreneur has the mandate to put right efforts in tapping the potential customers to become active ones, a process mostly accompanied with enormous obstacles due to cases such as continued say of no, undermining, badmouthing, among others. An entrepreneur must possess the zest of risk tolerance and perseverance no matter the number of times he or she is shut down in the verge of attaining prosperity.

Word count: 1143