Ethical Considerations for Conveying Medical Info and COVID-19 Vaccine Trials


Ethical Considerations for Conveying Medical Info and COVID-19 Vaccine Trials


Write a discussion paper discussing the ethical considerations for conveying medical info and COVID-19 vaccine trials.

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Transparency is one of the most fundamental principles of ethical practices. To endorse transparency the relevant stakeholders should avail information to the general public. The information should be transparent, timely, relevant and oriented towards accomplishing the implications of practicing utilitarian ethics. The best strategy is to use simple language when communicating to the public. Using simple language in scientific reports related to the novel COVID-19 pandemic is essential in bridging the gap of communication and engagement of the local populations. (Conway et al.2019) discuss the importance of using Natural Language Processing  to mine health related data from different sources. Their research concludes that using simple natural language enhances understanding of data and collection of data from patients. The use of simple language in healthcare campaigns will increase their appeal to the general population. Through the use of simple language in such campaigns, bridging the gap becomes easier. The strategy will benefit the portion of the population unable to comprehend medical terms.

Word Count: 750