Ethical considerations for the privacy of inmates in prisons


Ethical considerations for the privacy of inmates in prisons


The Stanford Prison Experiment is considered to be quite controversial. On the one hand, there seem to be several ethically questionable aspects to the experiment; on the other hand, the experiment exposed some extraordinary results in the field of psychology.

What are the ethical considerations that should have been considered in this study? Were the results of the experiment worth possibly compromising its ethics? What would you have done differently?

With regard to your Research Question DB…what are some ethical issues or obstacles you would need to address if you were to do this study?  What are ways to overcome those obstacles?  How have other researchers over come the obstacles?

Answer preview

For this experiment to up and right, there are some ethical considerations that need to be made. The first thing that should be taken care of is the privacy of inmates currently. The other thing that should be taken care of is the security of inmates in the sense that through the whole research program, inmates should be secure both physically and with the information they give as well.

Word count: 368