Ethical essay: If your robot buys illegal drugs


Ethical essay: If your robot buys illegal drugs


Write a 2/3 to 1 page, single-spaced,  essay dealing with the case Robot Druggie

In your answer, you should follow this short outline here:

  1. In a sentence, state what is the important ethical problem in this case.
  2. In a few sentences, state a solution or a way to reach a solution to this problem.
  3. 3. State which one ethical theory you think best fits this ethical problem & its possible solution.

(there are 7 ethical theories to choose from, pick one).

  1. Explain why you think this ethical theory fits best (like a mini-argument)

Don’t define the ethical theory in your answer: Don’t summarize the case details. Just give a succinct argument

The argument should be about half a page, single-spaced, longer is okay, shorter & you lose points.

Answer Preview 

The interpretation of the law is the most important thing in this case and there the solution lies. Due to the lack of an ‘intending mind’ then it might be impossible to hold the robot’s artist criminally liable. Nevertheless, it may all come down to the wording of the law. If the law is interpreted as saying that a person may not recklessly purchase merchandise that is pirated then the artists may be charged in a criminal court. All the same, when a person desires an outcome the desire does not make the act illegal but in this case, leaving the robot roaming in the darknet until it efficaciously brought forth contraband is hard to extricate act that from intent (Newitz 2015).

Word Count: 700