Ethical, Legal and Cultural Issues Relevant to Research


Ethical, Legal and Cultural Issues Relevant to Research


Write a research paper focusing on Ethical, Legal and Cultural Issues Relevant to Research

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Knowledge and Information of Staff and Subjects

The research subjects and staff should be fully informed and knowledgeable about the purpose and scope of the research, as well as the research methods and processes that are to be implemented (Knudson, 2001). The researcher should inform the respondents fully regarding what their role in the research process is, and how the research would be used. In this regard, the prospective participants should be informed if there are any risks involved, as well as benefits which may be accrue as a result of their participation.

Security, Safety and Avoidance of Harm

The research team should identify and document any possible risks and harm to the respondents. Such harm must be communicated to the respondents. The research team should take the necessary measures to reduce or eliminate any threats to the security and safety of the research participants (Smith, 2003). The specific needs of the ethnic communities and the subgroups should be properly understood, and factored in the design and implementation of measures to avoid harm, and any security and safety concerns the prospective respondents may have.

Word Count: 1900