Ethics and Regulatory Issues


Ethics and Regulatory Issues


Critically evaluate an aspect of the regulation of media and communication practice in a jurisdiction of your choice. You should address:
(a)    A brief and succinct survey of the media landscape of your chosen jurisdiction: platforms, audiences, technologies (internet penetration, mobile telephony penetration).
(b)    Laws, regulations and codes relevant to the issue you have chosen.
(c)    Both laws and cultural practices which promote or limit the freedom of expression, in particular,
(i)  Contitutional or legislative guarantees of freedom of speech;

(ii)  Legislative constraints on freedom of expression (such as national security laws; “free trade” agreements, blasphemy laws);
(iii)  Legislation which promotes transparency, such as FOI.
(iv)  Prospects for change.

Your written submission should be in the form of a 2000 word report with academic references. Chicago Manual of Style is the required referencing style.

Answer preview

Media refers to the public form of mass communication, particularly the radio, press and television, but also including recorded music and film, as well as numerous new form of distribution by means of satellite, cable, tapes and discs among others. Presently, the most important form of media is the internet. Today, it is regarded as ‘mass medium’ in its own right on the basis of its continuing dissemination to majorities in copious countries, as well as its use  for various public communication purposes in the scope of both information and entertainment.

Word count: 2703