


Write an ethics case study based on V.A. Scandal  Case Study.

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Navy vet loses nose, blames VA delays: The video explores how the long waiting time at VA’s dermatology caused the of Laird’s nose. It displays the death of six veterans among the twenty-eight due to significant clinical delays. It covers Obama’s decision to sign$ 16 million to overhaul VA into law.

2) VA restructuring, firing after scandal: The video presents the declaration of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs regarding key restructuring strategies in the department after the scandal that revealed long-waiting times for veterans.  It highlights the resignation of Eric Shinseki and the dismissal of other staff in the facility.

3) New information in the VA scandal: The video elaborates the persisting challenges in the VA department two years after the scandal and the promise for reforms by the government. The clip explicates the VA’s incapacity to manage the records and the low level of accountability in the system.

Word Count: 1200