Evaluation and Adaptation of Textbook Learning Material


Evaluation and Adaptation of Textbook Learning Material


Write an essay 4000 words long, to assess a set of materials used in your coursework.

Answer preview

As teachers of the language strive to enhance their efficiency and meet the dynamic needs of their students, they are expected to not only design an appropriate teaching plan but also select a suitable set of teaching materials (Harwood, 2010; O’Neill, 1982). The purpose of this paper is to conduct an evaluation of an ELT material, which is a textbook entitled “English Made Easy Volume One: A New ESL Approach: Learning English through Pictures.” A description of the textbook is presented, as well as the analysis of the teachers’ and students’ needs, presentation and justification of the textbook evaluation approach, a discussion of the rationale for the adaption and supplementation of the textbook, based on the aspect of the motivation of the learners.

Word count: 4983