Evaluation of potential business level strategies for Coca Cola


Evaluation of potential business level strategies for Coca Cola


In this section, you will be evaluating various strategies and making recommendations for the organization.

Write a 1,050-word minimum strategic evaluation in which you include the following:

  • Evaluate potential business-level strategies for the organization.
  • Assess potential corporate-level strategies for the organization.
  • Assess potential global strategies for the organization.
  • Recommend a strategy or combination of strategies the organization should implement, and include a rationale for that recommendation.

Support your assessments with authoritative research using the UOPX Library.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Answer Preview 

Coca-Cola has also been watching its increasing marketing and operations in addition to distributing high-quality products that meet the demands of consumers across the globe. It realizes the necessity of cost regulation so as to gain a competitive advantage in the soft drink industry and function in a more profitable manner. Thus, low-cost leadership remains to be one of the main business-level strategies the company has been trailing since its inception. In addition to this, the company sturdily emphasizes internal efficacy so that its products can be produced at the lowest cost possible (Bryson, 2018). Despite the fact the company has a broad range of products, it is clear that there is an increased level of adjustment in its production processes, marketing, and packaging. It has kept a tight regulation over its production, Research & Development, marketing and overhead costs.

Word Count: 1100