Everyman; Movie review


Everyman; Movie review


Write a film review on the film, Everyman

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In this movie, the author is conveying that everyman will be judged by the Supreme Being after death. It is clear that the movie is warning everyman to embrace good deeds in order to enter into paradise after death. In addition to this, the movie is conveying that death is inevitable hence everyman will now undertake the soul pilgrimage and appear before Supreme Being to be reckoned. Furthermore, the author is attempting to show that everyman beseeches to be released from his voyage, even requesting for the voyage to be postponed for only one day. In essence, the author is attempting to convey that death comes for everyman hence there is need to make early preparations. According to the author, everyman weeps at his fate and tries to search solace and companionship for his voyage.

Word Count: 600