Evolution of MNE from Hierarchies to Heterarchies and Networks of Differentiated Subsidiaries


Evolution of MNE from Hierarchies to Heterarchies and Networks of Differentiated Subsidiaries


Please read “EvolutionMNE.docx” and deliver a presentation based on the essay.
Please write:
1. 700 words speech for the presentation
2. 7 slides of PowerPoint (plus front sheet and references)

Answer preview

This presentation explains the evolution of multinational enterprises (MNE) from the earlier hierarchies to the current different subsidiaries. MNE is one of the major main reasons for the global economy. They have evolved to influence the global economy in different ways, including creating networks for technology transfer and linking countries for trade. This makes it important to explore the concept of hierarchy as it characterized contemporary MNE. The assessment of the hierarchy concept presented here is based on a review of relevant secondary sources.

Word count: 899

Slide count: 9