Examination of Crime Scene Reconstruction History and Processes


Examination of Crime Scene Reconstruction History and Processes


What are the central arguments in the reading?
What data sources and/or concepts does the author use to support the argument?
What other lines of reasoning or thinking occur to you as a result of reading this selection? What is it about the chapters that interest you?
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the articles or book chapters? If you were studying this issue, what would you have done similarly or differently?

Answer preview

Crime scene reconstruction falls into the category of forensics, it faces challenges of lawyers who are always trying to filter information from jurors so that they can influence the outcome of a case. Crime scene reconstruction utilizes scientific methods to evaluate collected physical evidence at a crime scene, so as to try and extract as much information on the series of actions that led to a particular incident. Recognizing actions is equally important, and this is what distinguishes crime scene reconstruction from other branches of forensics.

Word count: 1166