Experience and Meaning in Genre Film by Barry Keith Grant


Experience and Meaning in Genre Film by Barry Keith Grant


Students are required to choose one of the readings below and construct a critical analysis of the claims and arguments made by the author.

The topic: Grant, Barry Keith. “Experience and Meaning in Genre Film.” p133-147.

In constructing the response of 750 words, students should identify and discuss the following elements of the article:

  • What are the central claims made by the author?
  • How does the author seek to substantiate their argument through research and example?
  • How does the article prove applicable to one film of your choice that has been screened in class?

In this instance, no research beyond the article itself is necessary, although a Reference List citing your chosen article and any films you refer to must be submitted with the response in APA citation style. This is to be uploaded as a Word file through Turnitin to the Submissions tab.

Answer Preview 

Grant has done thorough research and gives enough evidence of his assertions. Going through the chapter, there are many examples of movies to explain his position. Over and beyond the names of movies, Grant also gives the names of film directors and producers to support his position. To qualify the fact that in time genres evolve he gives a list of the movies on the outlaw-couple gangster film genre and the reasons that inspired and made this genre so popular. He writes that the seventies was a time for the young people to express their “disaffection with the authority”. In the present day, the pairing up of a gangster couple is more a show of the milestones of the feminist movement where women are considered as good as men.

Word Count: 850