Experience Research Paper: Autism in Children


Experience Research Paper: Autism in Children


All students are required to submit a typed (using Times New Roman 12 point font and 1″ margins), six to seven-page, double-spaced, a report regarding their volunteer placement activities, the social problem addressed by the agency, and ways to address this social problem. Research findings should be incorporated to demonstrate your understanding of the chosen social problem, and effective ways to address it. As part of the explanation for the two sections discussing a social problem, you are required to cite at least 4 scholarly sources from professional journals. APA formatting is required throughout the paper, including the title and reference pages.

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One of the problems that autistic children encounter is the problem of being unable to socialize fully with others. When children are born, they are wired to be social beings. At the start of their life, babies gravitate towards the sound, they gaze at people, smile, and even clutch a finger. Conversely, autistic children have colossal difficulties in learning to engage in the everyday human interactions of giving and take. Early in life, autistic children will avoid making eye contact, will appear indifferent to all other people. Moreover, such children will be loners.

It is not uncommon for autistic children to resist hugs or be passive whilst being cuddled or hugged. Hardly will these children seek comfort or respond appropriately or typically when exposed to affection or anger.

Word Count: 2400