Explore on Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology


Explore on Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology


Museum Analysis-Visit any one of the following museums and prepare a five pages, double-spaced typewritten analysis: How well do the exhibits at this museum reflect the legacy of life? Include in this report a checklist (i.e. table) of the number and kinds of paleontological exhibits, the amount of space, and what types of paleoecological habitats are represented. Document your trip with a paid admission receipt, and illustrate your report with five representative photos (not postcards or cut-outs).. Each photo should have a caption describing it.

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Archaeotherium is a type of the earlier entelodonts that lived in North America during a time when the landscape in North America had been occupied by the horses, camels and the rhinos (Prehistoric Wildlife, 2011). At that time archaeotherium only faced predatory from the Hyaenodon which represents creodonts. Some of the characteristics of the entelodonts included the fact that entolodonts had large neural spines in the forward dorsal vertebrae. The verterbrae helped the arcaeotherium to provide support for more neck muscles. The archaeotherium had the tallest and the bulkiest in the fore quarters due to the support of the oversized skull supported by the large neural spines. Archaeotherium had some of the features the same as the other members of the entelodonts.

Word count: 1566