Exploring and Affirming Your Personal Identity


Exploring and Affirming Your Personal Identity


  1. Create monthly and annual budgets for two families of four (2 adults, a 3-year-old boy, and an 8-year-old girl). One of the budgets should be at what your group considers to be a “barely adequate” level of living. The other should be at what the group defines as a “comfortable” lifestyle.
  2. Budget the monthly and yearly living costs in the five following areas.
  3. Housing: include here not only the cost of mortgage or rent but also include here furniture, appliances, maintenance, etc. Figure all costs on a per monthly basis. Consider what the payments on items would be on a charge card or with a loan at current interest rates. Consider where the family would live, and the quality of schools there.

Answer Preview 

I am humanitarian in nature and my compassion is not limited to the people close to me but rather the entire humanity. My concerns for the suffering of other people are genuine and sometimes I take action to eliminate their suffering.  On the other hand, I believe that cooperation is the best approach to issues and, I am sensitive to feedback whether positive or negative. I do my best to sustain warm relationships though; I am disappointed when I realize the other people are not as genuine as I am. Based on the results of the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test, I can make an excellent social worker since I have the ability to organize people to take part in a social activity or community work. I normally take charge of a situation and ensure that the group realizes its goals that help me to learn and grow (Jung, & Myers, 1998). As a social worker, I would encourage the society members to embark on greater development goals, be dynamic and productive that would help them exploit their potentials and resources for their benefit and the society.

Word Count: 900