Extended Definition of Human Error in the Aviation Accident


Extended Definition of Human Error in the Aviation Accident


All researchers must define the terms or concepts they plan to use in their research question. For example, if your research question was, “How do new hires into an organization become socialized into the organization?” you would need to define what you meant by “become socialized.” Do you mean how are new employees oriented to their jobs? Or do you mean how do new employees learn the unwritten rules of the organization? Whatever you mean, you will have to explain this concept and why it is important to your research question. To do that, you will need to turn to the authorities, or seminal theorists, in the field and see how they have defined these concepts. By combining your own definition of the concept (using logic and reasoning) and the contributions of experts, you will be able to define your concept quite specifically.

  • You are asked to write a 1-1.5 page paper defining a concept in your research question.
  • This assignment is worth 100 points.

Answer Preview 

In the case of the aviation accident that resulted in the collision of two planes, the type of human error that occurred is the error of commission. The employees at the control tower made a huge error in directing the planes and it lead to their collision. There are also the obvious cases of human errors in terms of slips, which occurred as a result of minor errors of execution from the people at the control tower. There is also the issue of lapses, which is still an example of human errors where the pilot was momentarily distracted. This is the issue because the news about the accident explained that the pilots were in a hurry because of the long delays that had been caused by the closing of the main airport. Exhaustion and impatience are usually the main identifiable cause of the human error.

Word Count: 600