Extinction project: Cylindraspis Vosm


Extinction project: Cylindraspis Vosm


Write an extinction project on Cylindraspis Vosm

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_ Cylindraspis was a low grazer herbivore feeding mainly of grasses and fibrous plant matter.________


_____________ The animal ate where it lived _______________________________________________


  1. How it eats


  1. __ The Cylindraspis used its wide set mouth to browse and cut grass and other vegetation.

____The Cylindraspis I had powerful jaws and sharp cheek teeth to aid it in its chewing of its food


  1. Where it gets its food


_____ The Cylindraspis mainly ate on the plains and grassland surrounding the waters ______________


  1. Where it lived

Judging by places where the fossils were found in a ravine in the Rodrigues islands the animal lived mainly in the islands that are in the Indian Ocean and near such large water bodies.

  1. Abundance


___ They were found mainly in the ravine in the Rodrigues islands near the Indian Ocean _________


  1. Paleobiogeographic distribution

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