Factors Affecting Attitude and Purchase Intent


Factors Affecting Attitude and Purchase Intent of Chinese International Students in UK


Write a literature review as part of a dissertation in 3000 words. Make sure it has at least 23 references in total.

Dissertation Title:

Luxury Fashion Consumption: Factors Affecting Attitude and Purchase Intent of Chinese International Students in the UK.

Answer preview

In recent years, the number of Chinese students studying in the United Kingdom has increased tremendously, making the number of Chinese students the largest amongst other foreign students studying in the United Kingdom. While in UK, these students go about their normal lives just like other students around the world. This discussion puts across the various factors that affect the attitude and the purchase intent of the Chinese students when purchasing various goods and services while in the United Kingdom.

One of the major factors that influence the decision of the Chinese International students living in the United Kingdom towards purchasing products is the past experiences. According to Oliver (1997), during the customer satisfaction process, the consumers’ expectations are set according to the previous experience with the product or the services to be purchased.

Word count: 3505