Consumer Buying Intention in Green Marketing


Factors Influencing Consumer Buying Intention in Changing Green Marketing Environment in Pakistan


Add an introduction chapter with the following details

  1. Value of research area and how different factors influence the buying intention.
  2. Existing research and try to highlight some gaps
  3. Why these factors were selection (Justification with some latest references)
  4. Problem Statement
  5. Research Objectives
  6. Research Questions
  7. Limitations
  8. Significance

Add literature on the following:

Social Influence

Environment Health and Safety

Green Advertisement

Impact of Environmental Concern on Consumer Purchase Intention

Green Motivation and consumer buying intention

Impact of Green Consumerism on Consumer Purchase Intention

Impact of Willingness to Pay more on Consumer Purchase Intention

Discussion and Conclusion

  1. Add Discussion based on the results of the study (Analysis and Results have been sent) by comparing and contrasting results of this study with existing research.
  2. The length should be between 10 to 15 pages
  3. Add Recommendations, Future Research Directions, Implications.
  4. References

Thesis paper length should be 20 pages in APA format.

Answer preview

Today’s society is becoming more responsive toward the environment and this is because of current scenario of over utilization of natural resources and wastage causing damage to our natural climate. Along with this in today’s fast changing consumer and technological world companies are trying to attract more and more market share to gain maximum benefit out of it. Companies trying to differentiate their self, by offering differentiated product. And green marketing is one of it. Today environment issues are highly concerned by the organization and they are practicing it as a social responsibility. So the society is concerned with the natural environment and focusing on modifying their buying and consumption pattern.  A great number of researches have been conducted in the early 1970’s for environment friendly products and consumers’ behavior towards these products. The rising social and supervisory concerns for the atmosphere lead a growing number of businesses to consider green matters as a chief source of strategic revolution (Sachdev, 2011).

Word count: 30847