Factors which Contribute to Inequality for Women in Education in Developing Countries


Factors which Contribute to Inequality for Women in Education in Developing Countries


What factors contribute to inequality for women in education in developing countries?
How can we improve women’s equal access to education in developing countries ?

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According to Namdeo (2017, p. 431, l. 13) education relates to the idea of facilitating learning or the acquisition of knowledge, skills and values to develop women’s intellect that serves social needs. Most importantly, education has the crucial role of ensuring the fullest development of each learner to enable them to live morally, creatively and productively in a given society. In that regard, education is considered a fundamental human right for both men and women that enable them to come up with creative ways of solving day to day challenges (Namdeo, 2017, p.431, l. 18).

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