Family Structure and Functioning – Alexis Babb


Family Structure and Functioning – Alexis Babb


This second part of the Family Assessment Paper must include operationalized goals, SMART objectives, descriptions of both direct and indirect interventions, specific referrals to local resources, a timeline, measurement tools used to evaluate achievement of goals, and other relevant material.

  1. Summary of Family Structure and Functioning
  2. Overview/summary of the current issue, stressors, strengths
  3. Initial steps toward a solution
  4. What interventions are planned?
  5. Operationalized Goals and S.M.A.R.T. Objectives
    1. Goal #1
      1. Objection #1
      2. Objection #2
    2. Goal #2
      1. Objection #1
      2. Objection #2


Answer Preview 

The family is the most basic tenet in every society, and in this paper, the family under assessment is that of one lady named Alexis Babb. Alexis is 21 years old, and her family is made up of her mother, father, her sister and her boyfriend. The family also has connections with the extended family, and there is a grandfather from the mother’s side who lives close to the family. Generally, Alexis has a great relationship with her family, except for a few misunderstandings with her father. Alexis is categorical she does not like politics, but father insists on bringing up the topic for discussion, something that clearly angers Alexis to the point of creating tension. The father appears not to respect Alexis and her comfort because even after constant reminders on the same, and interventions from her mother, the father still brings up the topic. Alexis, her mother and her sister enjoy a close relationship. In order to come up with the best intervention as a social worker, the first step is constructing knowledge and interpreting social situations with regard political and cultural contexts of the family.

Word Count: 950