Fashion Brand Marketing: Dior’s Competitive Advantage


Fashion Brand Marketing: Dior’s Competitive Advantage


Words: 300 Words Essay and 3 Page PowerPoint
References: 3, Harvard. Put into essay and PowerPoint.

Task Summary:
1. Write a 300 word essay about strategies that are used by DIOR to create a
competitive advantage for this brand.
2. Design a good looking PowerPoint presentation around this. 3 slides.

Answer preview

Christian Dior is a fashion house founded in 1946 and has been operational since its first fashion collection in 1947 (Jingjing, Jinhua, & Shouzhong, 2015).

Dior currently faces stiff competition from prominent companies, including Gucci, Chanel, and Prada, but the brand has succeeded through application of different strategies that help develop strong competitive advantage.

Dior has prevailed against its competitors through application of three of the five elements of branding: function, aesthetic, and experience.

Slide count: 5