Fashion Idea


Fashion Idea


We need to come up with a new FASHION IDEA. Please answer the following 5 questions:
1. What is your fashion business idea? This can be a product or a service.
2. What motivates you to do this?
3. What evidence is there that the problem needs to be solved?
4. What do you want people to experience or feel from your idea?
5. How will it change fashion, the world or a part of it?

Please aim for around 30 words for each question, very brief.

Answer preview

  1. What is your fashion business idea? This can be a product or a service.

My business idea involves development of a duo-functioning costume for women that can be won for swimming and in pro-casual setting. The costume will be waterproof, can let surfacing water dry in 5 minutes under normal weather, and will have extreme mini-sized sleeves on hands and below waist.

  1. What motivates you to do this?

One of the major factors driving the world today is the need for convenience. The duo-functioning, waterproof costume will offer women in casual workplace a chance to swim during lunchtime hour without worrying of carrying extra clothes or time-consuming changing period.

Word count: 283