FedEx Corp Business Analysis


FedEx Corp Business Analysis


In this assignment, you are asked to select a business that you find interesting and narrow it to ONE product or product line. The chosen business is not necessarily a global company as long as you can identify a plausible and genuine opportunity for its  global expansion.

You will then conduct the analysis of the current internal and external situation of the chosen product or product line of the business.

Recommended Structure for the Written Report

  1. Executive Summary

Summarizing the key points from your report in approximately 300 words or less.  Please note that this section is not included in the word count of 1,500 words.

  1. Introduction

In this section, you should clearly introduce the chosen business and its product/product line you are going to analyze and briefly discuss how you are going to analyze and recommend its business opportunity.

  1. Company Structure, Capabilities and Resources

In this section, you should describe the structure, capabilities and resources of the chosen business. The information provided in this section should be informative for your SWOT analysis (Section 6) and based on your research from up-to-date sources.

  1. Product, Market, Distribution and Supply

The purpose of this section is to provide a description of the chosen business’ current key products, markets, and distribution and supply. The information should be comprehensive and up-to-date based on your extensive research of the chosen business.

  1. Competitive Environment and Industry Situation

In this section, you are asked to describe the competitive environment and industry situation of your chosen business. This should include the information about major competitors and the nature of the industry your chosen business is operating in (e.g., dynamic of the industry in terms of the market and customer demand, intensity of the competition).

  1. SWOT Analysis

This section is the key part of your report in which you will demonstrate your synthesis and analytical skills. In this section, you should accurately apply the SWOT framework to synthesize the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and  threats of the chosen product/product line you discuss in the introduction section. In your discussion, you should clearly identify market opportunity of the chosen product/product line and provide insightful and logical justification based on the SWOT analysis

  1. Conclusion

In this section, you should provide comprehensive and strong conclusion on your analysis of business opportunity and clearly reiterate the main issues. The conclusion should be accurate and consistent with the analysis completed in the prior section.

Length of the Report

The report should not exceed the maximum 1,500 words.

Answer preview

FedEx Corporation is a United States based company, with an international base as it serves over 220 countries. The following report provides an insight of the company’s business analysis with a deep look on the Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats depicted by the company. The report also provides an insight on the services and products that are provided by the logistics services, as well as a recommendation of the areas that the company can tap to expand their market, especially with the population growth in India.

Word count: 1653