Feminist Stand Point Theory


Feminist Stand Point Theory


Write a paper clearly explains the Feminist Stand Point Theory.

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For instance, women as a social group, as well as, the experiences that they have faced make a very fertile ground for feminine understanding. The rationale for this is that by laying the foundation for sociological effort on the female gender based on there every day, familiarities, sociologists have the capability to ask novel questions. For example, women in the past were seen as caregivers in the society, while men dedicated their time and energy deliberating about concepts that today are viewed as more important and valuable (Wood, 2005). Hence, the activities that women undertake are seen as natural and invisible rather than part of history and human nature.  Therefore, in the instance, where feminist review the questions of the reason women are assigned such activities, as well as the consequences that the same have on the social institutions such as the family, education, the economy, and government, they can understand what should be done (Garry  Pearsall, 2015).  Thus, standpoint theory in relation to social groups asserts that in the instance, where an individual begins to review things in the perspective of women or any other marginalized individuals, then they are more likely to acknowledge the significance of standpoint and at the same time create knowledge that is self-critical, embodied and coherent.

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