Ferrero Group


Ferrero Group


The task for this time:
1. Summarise the Proposal below into 5 Powerpoint slides
2. Write the Literature Review for the main Report. 2000 words, 15 references.

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The Function of Developing Market Governments’ in Global Expansion

       Outward direct foreign investment crucially defines the kind of environment that is set by the emerging markets. It would be important to note that in the current wake of global expansion, emerging markets enterprises can take the center –stage and as a result, their respective governments must work to create favorable policies. In ‘How emerging market governments promote outward FDI: Experience from China,’ Luo et al. (2010), affirm that emerging markets governments stimulate direct foreign direct investment through concerted efforts of agencies in place. In this case, the Chinese market has been touted as the leading state with efficient enforceable policies that would sustain any foreign business. The economic and political environment in China prioritizes investment by foreign companies which would hugely benefit the country as it would result in huge revenue. Luo et al. (2010), note that the Chinese state sets economically as well institutionally well-set goals which would complement each other to offset competitive disadvantages.

Word Count: 2300