Ferrero Group Proposal


Ferrero Group Proposal


The case study of Ferrero Group opening its first factory in China in 2015. Please see link for the news article.

  1. Choose either a firm from an emerging or developing country which has recently (i.e. within the last ten years) invested overseas, or a firm which has recently invested in an emerging or developing country
  2. The firm (MNE) may be one of which you have personal experience (through work or family), or one for which you are able to easily obtain data from secondary sources
  3. Summarise and explain (with reference to the academic literature) the internationalization process of the firm, with a focus on the identified case study.

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Multinationals enterprises have taken to opening subsidiary in different countries as a form of global expansion. Globalization has been termed as a modern marketing channel that enhances a company to gain a substantial market share (Luo et al., 2010).  The report will comprehensively explore the globalization strategy of Ferrero SPA Company into China market (Xiaoshan, Hangzou). Ferrero is an Italian chocolate company that is found in 55 countries, however, its main branch is in Alba, Italy. Ferrero has tremendously to become the third largest chocolate in the company that was formed in 1946. The company falls in the competitive food (confectionery) industry but due to its commitment to offer quality products, it has established itself as a brand name.

Word count: 1130