Five Subway Store Visit Report Analysis Report


Five Subway Store Visit Report Analysis Report


Write an analysis report on the Five Subway Store Visit Report

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Subway Queensway has finely established strengths in the quality of customer service. Teamwork among the employees has made Subway Queensway very special in meeting the demands of customers with great satisfaction of their common areas of sensitivity, such as convenience, sufficiency, and conciseness. Moreover, Subway Queensway has a substantial record of having staff that offers highly fulfilling hospitality to customers, particularly on the friendly approaches they use. However, Subway Queensway has a weakness in pressuring both staff to follow the strict subway rules at all times. Although it may be for everyone’s good, subjecting employees to such conditions may make the employees feel constrained and would lead to an increased turnover rate. Subway Queensway has an opportunity to broaden its productivity because of the constant flow of customers flocking to nearby shopping malls and city centers.

Word Count: 1300