Flow chart for the sale of stock abroad


Flow chart for the sale of stock abroad


The purpose of this assignment is for students to learn process flowcharting/improving a process and summarizing the results.

Assignment Steps 

Resources: Microsoft® PowerPoint® (or other software such as Vizio, Word, etc.)

Select a complex process from your personal life or work.

Use Microsoft® PowerPoint® or other software including Vizio, Word, etc. to create a flowchart of the as-is process.

Define metrics and measure the current process.

Use process improvement techniques to improve the process.

Use Microsoft® PowerPoint® or other software such as Vizio, Word, etc. to create an improved process flowchart.

Use judgmental forecasting, which is your professional judgement, to ascertain how the future process will perform according to your metrics.

Develop a 525-word executive summary in which you describe your process improvement project (including the as-is process flowchart and the improved process flowchart).

Note: Students and faculty are reminded both Six Sigma readings and Lean Principles introduced in Week 2 are spread throughout the entire course. Students will apply the knowledge from the readings in their Learning Teams throughout the course.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

Answer preview

In this process, it is very important to follow it right from the start all the way to the bottom. It starts from the point in which the stock is being prepared and is of sufficient capacity. It is at this stage that we have enough commodities which will be up for sale. The company must make sure that in this stage of the process, we need to make sure that we have sufficient commodities which will be put up for sale. As a company, this is indeed going to be a great improvement especially when it is put at the start of the process because it is at the stage of ensuring that we have a good number that we can rely on for the market.

Word count: 610