Fodor’s Mind-Body Problem


Fodor’s Mind-Body Problem


1.Choose a reading PRIOR to us discussing it in class.

2. Read it carefully.

3. Think about it.

4. Read it critically.

5. Think about it some more. Engage your brains.

6. Do a commentary: write down your questions, concerns, comments, criticisms, compliments, general cluelessness – tell me what YOU think about the reading. This is NOT a summary of the reading. I want you to give me your evaluation of the reading. What part(s) do you agree with? Disagree with? Why? What did you find interesting? Confusing? Explain your thoughts (in other words, don’t just tell me you thought it was interesting – tell me what about it was interesting, why you agree or disagree with the author, and so on). Keep in mind that these are philosophical texts so your comments should be deep, careful, and critical.

Answer preview

The essay evaluates the viewpoint of Fodor concerning the philosophy of mind. Upon a critical analysis of the reading “Mind-Body Problem” it is evident that Fodor supports the philosophy of functionalism as opposed to the competing theories such as dualism and Identity concepts. He asserts that the dualism theory does not offer sufficient account of mental causations. He says that since the mind is non-physical, it has no position in in the tangible space. Similarly, Fodor has low opinion concerning the identity theory. Despite his stance, most of the psychological philosophers support the theory.

Word count: 648