Food Review: Parsnip


Food Review: Parsnip


Your Food Project should be a combination of a pictures and a written commentary about your whole food.

Pictures within your PowerPoint or Word Document:
Please include at least 1 (required) and up to 5 pictures for each of the 5 points you will discuss in your topic; refer to the directions listed below. You may make comments within your PowerPoint to go with the pictures. or if you are using Word, you may place the pictures within your document. Both PowerPoint and Word are acceptable options for this assignment.

Written Portion:

Please include each of the 5 points listed below in your project. Do note that research is required as is the documentation of your sources. Expected length of this document is 1,000 to 1,750 words. Required pictures are 5 up to a maximum of 25.

In addition, please include one (delicious) recipe that you have made using your food! A picture would be a great addition. You do not have to create a new recipe, you may use one you found in a cookbook or online, but please give credit to the source.


Include the following required elements in your presentation:

  1. Introduction that includes a brief history of how the food is used and when it became popular in diets (around the world, if applicable);
  2. What is health promoting about this food?
  3. Which macronutrients, micronutrients and/or phytochemicals does it provide and at what level (discuss NO MORE THAN the top 3 to 5);
  4. Is there a “special” nutritional property of this food?
  5. Which disease or health condition does it help prevent and how?

Research is required and must be documented using APA formatting:

  • At least 3-5 secondary sources
A secondary source should be books or articles by credentialed, reputable experts, or the websites of reliable, reputable organizations. Examples would be sites hosted by or associated the Mayo Clinic, the National Institutes of Health, universities, or science or news websites that aggregate or synthesize information from such reputable sources. If there are peer reviewed sources available please include them.
  • At least two primary or peer-reviewed research studies
Use PubMed ( (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)) to find at least two primary research studies discussed in the secondary sources you are using. You may also access the full research articles from the journal websites in some cases.
Answer preview
Parsnip has been cultivated since ancient times as a root vegetable growing in the wild areas in Europe and West Asia. Its history generally indicates that it is closely related to carrots and parsley making it even hard for the writers to distinguish it from the carrots (Riddle, 2013). Being that parsnip is closely related to carrots it looks pretty much like a beige carrot with wider widths. History indicates that parsnip was loved in Rome especially Emperor Tiberius who was very picky about parsnips. Emperor Tiberius had his special wild parsnips imported form the banks of Rhine. In this period, it was a dangerous venture to get the parsnips because they were repeatedly mistaken for hemlocks the source of the poison that reputedly brought down Socrates (Gripper, 2013).

Word count: 1329