Ford Motor Company


Ford Motor Company


Write an executive summary + PowerPoint for Ford Motor Company.

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Ford Company is one of the biggest car manufacturers across the globe. Currently, the company is in need of recreating its business structure that eventually results in a company’s downsize. In the recent past, it remains clear that the company has the decision to reduce the number of employees. It is apparent that the company made this decision as a result of the $5.8 billion third-quarter loss. Despite the fact that the company hopes to increase profitability and productivity by the downsize, it remains clear that there will be immense consequences on those who are compelled to leave their careers as well as those people who a lucky enough to continue working in the company. In 1903, 11 associates and Henry Ford opened the company with approximately $28,000 in cash.

Like any other company, Ford began out modest, but soon the company became one of the most successful car manufacturers in the country. It remains clear that Ford Company was different from other car manufacturers because of its assembly line. Notably, the assembly line permitted the company to manufacture cars more efficiently and faster than any other company in the industry. This made the company increase its customers base as well as the number of stockholders who promoted the image of the company (, 2016).

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