Foundation of Law, the 1901 Australian immigration & the 1967 Australian Referendum


Foundation of Law, the 1901 Australian immigration & the 1967 Australian Referendum


The assignment consists of three separate tasks.  Each task tests a different skill or capacity.  These can be found in the student feedback sheet which can be found at the bottom of the Assignment folder under the Assessment tab on Blackboard.

2. Task 1 is a reflection task based on your completion of the MSLQ.  The word limit for this task 1 reflection is 300 words.  The 300-word limit includes both parts of Task 1.

3. Task 2 is a comprehension task.  It consists of 7 questions worth 1 mark each.  Each question should be answered from the video only and each answer should be about 1 or 2 sentences.

4. Task 3 is a context and synthesis task.  Each of the 4 questions is worth 2 marks each.  You should write around 1-2 paragraphs in answer to each question.

5.  You should present your assignment in a ONE-word document which you upload to Turnitin.  This means that your answers to tasks 1, 2, and 3 need to be included in a SINGLE document.
Answer Preview 
There were several referendum questions before the 1967 referendum in Australia since 1901. For instance, there was the question of inclusion of the indigenous people in the Constitution, where the same was omitted during the making of the Constitution making the Indigenous people second-class citizens. Secondly, all Australians were given social security and the Aboriginal people were omitted.  In 1911, the Commonwealth census defines the Aboriginal natives as half-castes, thus they were not even considered; indigenous;
Word Count: 1200