Fredrick Douglass and Malala


Fredrick Douglass and Malala


Week 1 – Social Science

Narrative Essay

Reading: Frederick Douglass/Malala Handout assigned; Little Seagull (LS) 24, 58-61

Introduction to Paragraph and Essay Development; Plagiarism

Reading: LS: 2-10; 107-108

Answer preview

The two narratives of Fredrick Douglass and I Am Malala tell the story of the two different individuals who went through a lot of difficulties to get their education due to different circumstances in their lives. One of the narratives tells the story of how a girl went through many challenges studying from her home town where she faced challenges from people who believed that girls should not go to school and a place invaded by terrorists where she ended up being shot by one of the terrorists. The other one is also about the challenges Fredrick Douglass faced acquiring education as a slave because he was black and black people were only slaves to the whites and was not supposed to know how to read and write in Christian countries to make sure that they would never know and understand their rights.

Word count: 997