Gender Equality and Aging Workforce Diversity Issues in New Zealand Context


Gender Equality and Aging Workforce Diversity Issues in New Zealand Context


The global phenomenon of diversity is a challenge faced by both countries and organisations in the 21st Century. Increasing migration, the aging workforce, and promoting gender equality are all Human Resources (HR) issues that organisations must now fully consider. These are just some of the types of diversity that can impact workplaces today.
Within the New Zealand context, discuss any two of these types of diversity and the implications that they can have for organisational performance, including recommendations for organisations dealing with these issues.
To answer this question you should:
In your introduction:
• discuss that the meaning of diversity covers a much wider spectrum of differences which influence how employees approach work.
• explain that at least three key challenges facing NZ organisations today are increasing ethnic diversity, aging workforce and gender equality in the workplace.
• outline the structure for your essay (including which of the two types of diversity you will discuss).
In your body paragraphs:
• discuss in detail two of the above challenges and the effects they can have on organisations.
• provide recommendations for organisations dealing with these types of diversity.

In your conclusion:
• summarise the points made in your body paragraphs.
• provide a concluding statement.

Answer preview

In the current human resource practices, diversity concept covers a broad spectrum of differences which influence how workers approach work (Hertel and Zacher, 2015). In that regard, organizations in New Zealand are increasingly facing many diversity issues top amongst them being; ethnic diversity, aging workforce and gender equality at work places. New Zealand has demographic population that encompasses European descent at 74%, Maori race at 14.9%, Asians at 11.8% hence distribution of these races massively influences how employees work (Zealand, 2010). Most organizations in New Zealand have less than half of their population comprising of older workers.

Word count: 1734