Gender Gap in Wages


Gender Gap in Wagesw


Read Catching Up: The Gender Gap in Wages, circa 2000 by June O’Neill (see Blackboard).

Write a 4-5 page critique essay of O’Neill’s article which could include critiques or support of her overall argument, main points, organization, or other aspects of the article. Do not use 1st person for this essay.

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The article has revealed the women interests have never been given the expected consideration as compared to those of their male counterparts, this discrepancy has not been explained politically via gender-distinguished political attitudes. According to the article, the modern gender gap is evidently an equally recent phenomenon. O’Neill has revealed that women’s labor was trapped mainly on the private domain but politics remained a male-dominated field (O’Neill, 2003). Despite the fact that women were actively engaging in politics for their suffrage and freedom, men have always been the key players. In essence, O’Neill has attempted to explain that it important to understand the gender gap in the American welfare since without labor-market discrimination there is unlikelihood that the women and men wage rates would remain equal. According to O’Neill the unadjusted gender gap in the American welfare can be expressed to a bigger part by non-discriminatory factors.

Word Count: 1500