Gender Wage Gap


Gender Wage Gap


Read Catching Up: The Gender Gap in Wages, circa 2000 by June O’Neill.
Write a 4-5 page critique essay of O’Neill’s article which could include critiques or support of her overall argument, main points, organization, or other aspects of the article. Do not use 1st person for this essay.

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The gender wage gap is considered to be one of the complicated issues which have continued despite the enactment of the 1963 Equal Pay Act, which promised equal reward for equal work. In 2010, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics indicated that women earned 81% on average for each dollar earned by men thus developing a great concern among policy makers, press and scholars. In the United States, the gender wage gap has remained around because women started having careers and jobs. Despite the fact that in the start gender wage gap clearly to do with discrimination by social stereotypes, it has now become one of the complicated issues than that (O’Neill, 2003). Currently, the issue of gender wage gap in the United States has evolved into a complicated issue that blends the United States culture with business economics.

Word count: 1554